My academic publications and preprints Link to heading
My ResearchGate page is here .
Published works Link to heading
- Celledoni, E., Çokaj, E., Leone, A., Leyendecker, S., Murari, D., Owren, B., de Almagro, R.T. and Stavole, M. (2025). Neural Networks for the Approximation of Euler’s Elastica. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 435, 117584
- Celledoni, E., Murari, D., Owren, B., Schönlieb, C. B., & Sherry, F. (2023). Dynamical systems–based neural networks. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(6), A3071-A3094.
- Celledoni, E., Çokaj, E., Leone, A., Murari, D., & Owren, B. (2022). Lie Group integrators for mechanical systems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 99(1), 58-88.
- Celledoni, E., Leone, A., Murari, D., Owren, B., (2022). Learning Hamiltonians of constrained mechanical systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 114608, ISSN 0377-0427,
- Celledoni, E., Çokaj, E., Leone, A., Murari, D., & Owren, B. (2021). Dynamics of the N-fold Pendulum in the framework of Lie Group Integrators. In European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (pp. 297-304). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Preprints Link to heading
- Betcke, M., Kreusser, L.M., Murari, D., “Parallel-In-Time Solutions with Extreme Learning Machines”,
- Celledoni, E., Jackaman, J., Murari, D., & Owren, B. (2023). Predictions Based on Pixel Data: Insights from PDEs and Finite Differences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.00723.
Non-archival reports Link to heading
- Murari, D., Celledoni, E., Owren, B., Schönlieb, C. B., & Sherry, F. Structure preserving neural networks based on ODEs. In The Symbiosis of Deep Learning and Differential Equations II.